How to Do SEO for website - Step By Step Guide


If you want to get higher ranks in search engine results, then you must do SEO for website. In this article we will discuss how you can do SEO for Fresh website.

First consider, who will be your target audience and what information they are seeking for?

The first step to doing SEO for a new website is to think about who you are trying to reach and what information they're seeking. This can be done by asking yourself:

  • What problem does my target audience have?

  • How much time do they have available to spend on their search results pages?

  • Where do they spend most of their online time, in which case it would make sense for them to click through from one site (e.g., [website name]) onto another (e.g., a competitor's site)

How to Do SEO for website - Step By Step Guide

Second thing is what your target audience needs, how you can help with the solution of their problem and how to let them know.

The second thing you should do is to understand your target audience. What exactly are they looking for? Who are they and what problems do they have? Is it about getting traffic, sales or even more?

Once you know that, it's time to think about how you can help with the solution of their problem. You can ask them questions like: "What does your website need?" Or "How can I help?" In this case, try not to be too pushy but instead let them know that there is something out there that could solve their problems - maybe even better than what they already have (if possible). This way people will feel comfortable talking with you because they know that everything has been thought through before starting any project together!

Third step is to make a list of keywords that best suits to your business area and have relevance with your consumer’s need.

The third step is to make a list of keywords that best suits to your business area and have relevance with your consumer’s need.

The keyword tool helps you to find out what keywords are associated with your product or service, how many people use them and how often they search for it on Google. You can also get this information by using Google Analytics software which shows the average cost per click (CPC) for each keyword as well as other metrics such as ad clickthrough rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CR).

You may also want to check if there are any new competitors who are already ranking high on their own websites by looking at their backlinks from other sites. For example, if someone has an article about SEO tips that has been shared across social media channels like Facebook or Twitter then chances are high that he might be earning some traffic from these channels too!

Search for a high authority domain in your business area.

When you're starting out, it's important to get a high domain authority.

A high domain authority is one that has been in existence for years and has a lot of links pointing to it. It will show up on SERPs and have lots of traffic coming from other sites with relevant content. A good example would be the .com version of your business name or brand name (e.g., “Paw Patrol”).

If it’s not possible then the second best option is to take help of the company that provides SEO services in India.

If it’s not possible then the second best option is to take help of the company that provides SEO services in India. There are many companies which provide this service but you need to choose a good one. Here are some tips for finding out the best SEO company:

  • Look at their portfolio and see if they have worked on large scale projects or not. This will help you get an idea about their experience with clients and how long they have been working with them for.

  • Do some research about their past clients, who have hired them for their website optimization needs before? How did these websites perform after hiring them? Did they get better rankings in SERPs than what was expected from them due to any other reason apart from content quality etc.?

Include Meta Title and Meta Description with main keywords.

Meta titles and descriptions are important for SEO. Your meta titles and descriptions should be unique, relevant to your website and short, concise.

It’s also important that your meta title includes the keywords you want people to type into Google when they search for these words or phrases in relation to what they are looking at on your site (your page).

Make use of all On-page factors like H1, H2, internal linking etc.

The first thing you should do is make use of all on-page factors. These include the H1, H2 and internal linking.

On page factors are important for SEO as they help in ranking your site higher in search engines like Google and Yahoo. It's also worth noting that these factors can be changed at any time by modifying them accordingly on your website or blog post.

Make sure that your website satisfy all Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Search Console

To make sure that your website is in compliance with Google Webmaster Guidelines, follow these steps:

  • Make sure that your website has a sitemap. This is essential because Google will use the sitemap as a reference when indexing your site and adding it to their search results pages. You can create a sitemap by using either the free or paid version of Google's spider tool. The free version only allows you to add 10 links per page, but it will be enough for most small businesses who want only a few links on their pages at most—especially if those pages are not indexed yet anyway!

  • Make sure that your website has an indexable robots meta tag somewhere on each page and in the header section (or footer) of each page/section so that crawlers know where they should go when crawling through our site(s). A good way to check this is by looking at how many different types of URLs come after seeing whether there are any along with other information such as date posted within last 24 hours from now - this might indicate if something went wrong due lack ability start working properly until now..."

Create backlinks from high authority websites only. Remember quality matters more than quantity.

Your website is not going to rank well if you are not targeting the right keywords.

We recommend that you use Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to check your site's performance.

You can also use some free SEO tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs and Majestic SEO to see where your competitors rank.

This is how you can do SEO for website.

In order to do SEO for newly made website, you need to make sure that your website satisfy all Google Webmaster Guidelines. You can check it at [Google Search Console](, or use this tool [SEMrush](

You will have all the information about how your website ranks on search engines like Google and Bing, which are very important for ranking in top positions on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). This will give you an idea about what keywords are being used in your meta title and description tag too!

Meta Title and Meta Description should contain main keywords related to the subject matter of your content along with some other relevant information about what kind of content is being displayed on each page of your site so that visitors get redirected towards desired page quickly without any delay


All in all, SEO is one of the most effective ways to increase your site’s visibility and get more traffic from search engines. It’s also important that you understand the basics of search engine optimization before jumping into implementing it on your own website. If you have any questions or concerns about this process, feel free to contact us today!